Monday, January 31, 2011

No Internet in Egypt

Within the past week or so, the country of Egypt decided it would be best to cut off communication and use with the Internet. From reports, different international media outlets reporting on the situation are also being cut off from communication. This seems to be an overreaction on the governments part to flex who can do what versus the Egyptian community. The problem is that by cutting off communication, the government now has made it a worldwide spectacle and are communicating on it from other means. The act of turning off the internet has only diminished the Egyptian government (looking scared) and raised this national situation into a problem viewed by not just the Egyptian community but by the entire world. Whose going to win?


  1. I agree with you that shutting off the Internet in Egypt has put the country under a magnifying glass. If there were not already significant problems in Egypt before the Internet was turned off now there is even more. I believe this was a horrible reaction to the protests in Egypt. It is only going to cause Egypt more problems then it could have ever imagined.

  2. Like they say,"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely" They should not have turned off the internet to contain protesting. Egypt's ruler should have power but not in the manner he's using it. It is unfair and disrespectful to the people of Egypt. Also, It makes no sense as Egypt is a ‘Republic’ and as such they have a voice to demand change. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
